Sunday, November 15, 2009

My ideal job

Well it's my favorite work, I'd like work to in large animals, like horses or cows. I think that's very difficult 'coz, the large animals are different in severals aspects, however they seem with small animals in other aspects, so the task is easier.
Since I was 12 I wanna be a vet, and now recently I choose that way because the large animals are very beatiful, and very complicated. However If you work with horses the field it's very large, you can work out of the city, work in the field, or racetrack.
However it can be dangerous, in many occasions there's accidents bringed about by kicks, bites or footsteps, furthermore the veterinary medicine is the carrier wich haves more accidents than others.
I don't mind have accidents, the veterinary medicine is the most beatiful carrier. Many people thing that the veterinarians only work with cats and dogs, however they´re wrong, the veterinarian haves many areas to work, like investigations, small animal, exotic animal ,productions or ecology.
Actually the veterinarian have a great taks together anothers carriers wich work in order to care for the environment, the people, but mainly our animals and our planet.

My favorite website

Well, it was too difficult to choose my favorite website, because I have many websites, what I visit, like facebook or fotolog, but it doesn't matter, now i show you that website, it calls ultimate-guitar. It is a useful tool, because when you need to learn a song and you don't have a partiture, you can download a tablature of this song. I play the bass guitar and guitar, and I allways play my bass, so I allways need to learn more songs. I love the jazz, funk and rock, and I've learned many songs now with the tablatures, however, would you know what is the tablatures?, well it's to easy, it's a page were you have chords of the song. It haves numbers for the positions in the bass or guitar, and so it's too easy to learn the song what you like.
How to search what are you looking for?
It's very easy, you put the name of the band or song in "search for", next to this option you've a box with many posibilities to choose, like band, song, interviews, lessons or videos.
After you've choose the song or name, the website shows you the results, and you can see or download the tablature.
If you play bass guitar, guitar, drums or piano, it could help you, I'll give you an advice, you could download a program to learn faster the songs: the guitar pro.
The guitar pro it's a program which show you the song with the instruments it haves, and it haves a metronome to hear the ritm of the song.
That program works very well.
I hope my advice help you to learn your favorite songs.
See ya.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My favorite photo!

This is me from cape horn!, this is my favorite photo, because it was a good summer. In summer 2008 I travelled to punta arenas to meet with my father (he lives and works there), and he asked us "if we would you like to go to cape horn?", me and my brother were very excited with the news and we answered yes.
We sailed on a expedition ship, called "Mare Australis", it was a very comfortable ship, had many things, like a free bar, good bedrooms. However, the main thing i enjoyed about the ship ride was that the ship stops in specific places to disembark in order for passengers to take long walks, therefore, I spent all time walking on the islands!.
Although, when we were approaching cape horn in the night to disembark the next morning I felt the movement of the waves while I was sleeping!!!. In the morning I felt very sick, I couldn´t stand up, I wasn't hungry, it was horrible.
Later i felt better and I met with Gary, a friend from Vancouver, Canada I ask about seaquake, and he answer me "I was sleeping, I felt nothing!, oh man you looks horrible"!.
However, we were trying approach once more and we did it. If you go on one hundred kilometers, you'll arrive to the antartic. I've never travelled to the antartic but, my father has travelled 4 times, because he is a doctor, and he has to take people there when they're very sick.
In this journey, I meet so many people from many countries, like Canada, Spain, Mexico, United States and of course I talked in english so much, but is difficult to listen when you're talking with someone who comes froms UU.EE, beacuse they talk very fast!.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

About tecnology

Well, i love the tecnology, i think i'm fan specially the computing. But that's no my fault, my uncle loves the computers, this's your hobbie (he's a doctor) and he taught me everything about computers, memories and graphic cards. Now i know very much about computing. I remember 3 years ago I bought piece by piece in order to made my own computer, with my own specifications. I spent a lot of money but i'm happy because i have a good computer for games. Now i'm thinking make another new computer more powerfull than this computer.
However now i don't have money to spend, so i'm saving money, but i don't have haste. It is not very important in this moment, i'm very busy to play computer games.
After all this is a good hobbie in my opinion, although, many people thing this is borring, i only say that's ok, but i don't mind, i believe that's good. It is very interesting because when you have to made a new computer, you've to check piece by piece to unite correctly. But if you buy a computer only for games, you should buy a good graphic card and check the charasteristics like the frequency(Mhz), memory (in megabtyes or gigabytes if you have a powerfull graphic card) and the make (like Nvidia or ATI). Furthermore the processor is very important to the computer, if you don't have a processor you can't turn the computer on.

Ten mounths ago, my father gave me a notebook, and i couldn't believe, it's very usefull when you need to work, you can use that in anywhere place you want ( while you are in the bed), and of course chat with my friends and surfing by internet to check facebook and my blog.