Sunday, November 15, 2009

My favorite website

Well, it was too difficult to choose my favorite website, because I have many websites, what I visit, like facebook or fotolog, but it doesn't matter, now i show you that website, it calls ultimate-guitar. It is a useful tool, because when you need to learn a song and you don't have a partiture, you can download a tablature of this song. I play the bass guitar and guitar, and I allways play my bass, so I allways need to learn more songs. I love the jazz, funk and rock, and I've learned many songs now with the tablatures, however, would you know what is the tablatures?, well it's to easy, it's a page were you have chords of the song. It haves numbers for the positions in the bass or guitar, and so it's too easy to learn the song what you like.
How to search what are you looking for?
It's very easy, you put the name of the band or song in "search for", next to this option you've a box with many posibilities to choose, like band, song, interviews, lessons or videos.
After you've choose the song or name, the website shows you the results, and you can see or download the tablature.
If you play bass guitar, guitar, drums or piano, it could help you, I'll give you an advice, you could download a program to learn faster the songs: the guitar pro.
The guitar pro it's a program which show you the song with the instruments it haves, and it haves a metronome to hear the ritm of the song.
That program works very well.
I hope my advice help you to learn your favorite songs.
See ya.

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