Tuesday, September 29, 2009

About tecnology

Well, i love the tecnology, i think i'm fan specially the computing. But that's no my fault, my uncle loves the computers, this's your hobbie (he's a doctor) and he taught me everything about computers, memories and graphic cards. Now i know very much about computing. I remember 3 years ago I bought piece by piece in order to made my own computer, with my own specifications. I spent a lot of money but i'm happy because i have a good computer for games. Now i'm thinking make another new computer more powerfull than this computer.
However now i don't have money to spend, so i'm saving money, but i don't have haste. It is not very important in this moment, i'm very busy to play computer games.
After all this is a good hobbie in my opinion, although, many people thing this is borring, i only say that's ok, but i don't mind, i believe that's good. It is very interesting because when you have to made a new computer, you've to check piece by piece to unite correctly. But if you buy a computer only for games, you should buy a good graphic card and check the charasteristics like the frequency(Mhz), memory (in megabtyes or gigabytes if you have a powerfull graphic card) and the make (like Nvidia or ATI). Furthermore the processor is very important to the computer, if you don't have a processor you can't turn the computer on.

Ten mounths ago, my father gave me a notebook, and i couldn't believe, it's very usefull when you need to work, you can use that in anywhere place you want ( while you are in the bed), and of course chat with my friends and surfing by internet to check facebook and my blog.


  1. I agree with you Agustin, I think today it is essential to have a computer because it is a very good tool for university, but it costs a lot of money.
    see you! bye

  2. you made your own computer!! it´s amazing congratulation!!ok agustin see you tomorrow!!have a good day

  3. I love the computers too!! and it's true that you can use that in any place, as in the bed.

    Good look with anatomy!! see you tomorrow. Bye!!

  4. I can't understand the computers is complicated for my. but in this times is necessary have one.
    congratulation for your work I think that you are a genius

  5. hi =) i like computers too, and i think they are very important for all the people in this times.

    thanks for help today... good luck in anatomy!!

  6. Oh! i have the same computer! it is very nice and comfortable.
    see you tomorrow

  7. Yes! I agree with you, the computer in this moments is very important, especially now that we are studing and need shared files, update files, see paper. Is very necessary!
    I see you tomorrow!

  8. hi
    for me it is very important a computer, because as we academics need a computer for our college life
    see tomorrow

  9. Well, i love the tecnology, i think i'm fan specially the computing. But that's no my fault, my uncle loves the computers, this's WW your hobbie (he's a doctor) and he taught me everything about computers, memories and graphic cards. Now i know very much about computing. I remember 3 years ago I bought piece by piece in order to made my own computer, with my own specifications. I spent a lot of money but i'm happy because i have a good computer for games. Now i'm thinking ^ make another new computer more SP powerfull than this computer.
    However ^ now i don't have money to spend, so i'm saving money, but i don't have ? haste. It is not very important in this moment, i'm very busy to play computer games.
    After all this is a good hobbie in my opinion, although, many people SP thing this is SP borring, i only say that's ok, but i don't mind, i believe that's good. It is very interesting because when you have to made a new computer, you've to check piece by piece to unite correctly. But if you buy a computer only for games, you should buy a good graphic card and check theSP charasteristics like the frequency(Mhz), memory (in megabtyes or gigabytes if you have a powerfull graphic card) and the make (like Nvidia or ATI). Furthermore the processor is very important to the computer, if you don't have a processor you can't turn the computer on.

    well done!! I only can say that men love technology... that's something I dont really get.
    what games do you play?

    p.s. you got a 6.2
    Ten mounths ago, my father gave me a notebook, and i couldn't believe, it's very usefull when you need to work, you can use that in anywhere place you want ( while you are in the bed), and of course chat with my friends and surfing by internet to check facebook and my blog.
